There are a lot of misconceptions out there about when a woman is really fertile. This is not the fault of men and women alike, as we are all taught information that is not correct. Why no one has taken steps to correct this erroneous teaching is beyond me. When seeking to have a child, couples need to know the best days to get pregnant. Often, because of this bad information, they are having sex on the wrong days, and then they begin to believe they are infertile. In many cases, its bad timing and fertility is not an issue.
The best days to get pregnant are the four days leading up to and including ovulation. The problem with this is that most women assume that they ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle, which is not always the case. Ovulation date depends on the individual woman. What is even worse is that many have sex a week away from the best days to conceive because they dont know that the first day of menses is the first day of the cycle. Many think their cycles begins when their periods end. That calculation leaves couples way off.
Some believe the best days to get pregnant are the days following ovulation. At best, and egg lasts 12 to 24 hours after it has been released. After that it is no longer viable. You get pregnant by having
intercourse in the three or four days leading up to ovulation. The sperm will survive in cervical mucous until the egg is released. Sex the day of ovulation can help, but it might not be one of the best days to get pregnant. It is possible, but the odds are slimmer.
If you are concerned that you have not yet conceived, and you want to know the best days to conceive, you have a few choices. You can try fertility charting to see when you are ovulating. That has helped many couples in their quest to be parents. You can also try ovulation kits that work much like pregnancy tests. They tell you when you are ovulating, or about to, so that you know when the best days to get pregnant are occurring. Find books on the subject, and get educated no matter what method you try. Ask your doctor for more information if you are confused, or if you still have no results after six months.
If you are concerned that you have not yet conceived, and you want to know the best days to conceive, you have a few choices. You can try fertility charting to see when you are ovulating. That has helped many couples in their quest to be parents. You can also try ovulation kits that work much like pregnancy tests. They tell you when you are ovulating, or about to, so that you know when the best days to get pregnant are occurring. Find books on the subject, and get educated no matter what method you try. Ask your doctor for more information if you are confused, or if you still have no results after six months.
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