When you work outside the home, chances are good that you are going to have to attend meetings from time to time. Some companies have them all of the time, and others have them only once in a while. These are great ways to throw around ideas, or to discuss issues that have come up at the last minute and need to be addressed right away. There may be times in your career when you are responsible for meeting planning, and that means you have to know what you are doing. A successful meeting is often in the details, so dont rush through if you dont have to do so.
After attending meeting after meeting, you probably know what is expected and how your company likes to do things. However, you may not think about the small parts of meeting planning that make them go smoothly and leave everyone comfortable and able to concentrate. If you dont any idea what those things are, dont be afraid to get advice from those in your company that have been responsible for planning meetings in the past. They will often be very willing to help you out, mostly because they are glad they are not doing this time around.
You should find the perfect time of the day to have your meeting. This will depend on the dynamics of those you work with . Some are most alert in the morning, and you may get some of your best results and ideas by planning meetings for first thing in the morning. If you think those you work with need to warm up to be at their best, you may want to plan a meeting for mid morning. You may find that planning these gatherings right before lunch or the end of the work day is not the best idea because those attending will be thinking about lunch or leaving for the day. Mid morning and mid afternoon work very well in many cases.
The details of meeting planning might center around the time of day you choose. Sometimes, is a good idea to have coffee and something light to eat in the morning, or to have a meeting that offers something to eat around the midday time. The atmosphere should be calm and non threatening, and you should lim the meeting to those who are absolutely necessary so is not overwhelming in scope. Find out what those attending will need, and have those things on hand so no one has to run around during the meeting to find things. After doing a few of these, you will find that meeting planning is something you naturally know how to do.
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