For many people, publishing a novel is one of the most lofty accomplishments there is. Writing a novel requires a huge amount of dedication, and writing a good novel takes an unbelievable amount of skill. For many aspiring writers, however, these challenges are nothing when compared to the task of finding a novel publisher to pick up the novel. A good publisher willing to look at your manuscript is hard to find.
Although there are quite a few novel publishers out there, many of them do not look at unsolicited manuscripts. This makes it very hard to get into the literary scene if you are not already known. Of the really good novel publishers who do look at query letters and unsolicited novels, many of them are so swamped as to make your chances of getting picked up very low.
This is why many new authors start with smaller novel publishing houses. There are quite a few small scale book publishers out there serving their own particular communities. Usually, these publishing houses are more accessible to unknown, untested writers, making it a whole lot easier to get that first big break. After months of receiving rejection letters or no reply at all, it can be quite refreshing to have someone get right back to you and express interest in exploring your novel.
There are more options out there for aspiring novel publishers than looking for small presses. One of the best and most popular options is self-publishing your own novel. There are a few ways to go about this. You can go to a vanity press and have them print out the novel for you, or you can do it all by yourself. Usually, doing the work yourself is the best choice for aspiring novel publishers. That way, you can control every phase of quality control, making sure that everything comes out the way you like it. You can also print out new runs of your novel whenever you want to, rather than having to have the press print out one for you at a higher cost.
Being a good self-directed novel publisher is pretty hard work, since it puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage. You will not have the same resources as professional novel publishers, and so you will have to really hustle to get exposure for your writing. Nonetheless, many of the most famous writers out there got their start self publishing.
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