My girlfriend has one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Up until recently, I never really thought much about this. I figured that her beautiful face had a lot to do with the fact that I loved her, as well as good genetics and a proper diet. I never really stopped to ponder what made beautiful woman faces. Are there certain characteristics that are universally more attractive than others? This is something that I've recently undertook to find out.
There has been a surprising amount of research done about beautiful faces. Apparently, a beautiful face is a highly complex idea. Ideas of beauty have not held constant over time At least they haven't held completely constant. In some cultures, a beautiful face means one with rosy colors, plump cheeks, and soft lines. Other people see beautiful faces as sharply defined with strong lines, an expressive mouth, and thin lips. Beautiful faces also vary between men and women, with men's faces being more valued for rugged looks, and women's for delicacy. After that, it gets even more complicated.
One interesting thing that I found out about beautiful faces was that there are certain factors that seem to hold across cultures. Although different people prize different features in a beautiful face, nearly everyone prizes symmetry. Similarly, certain details of hairline, bone structure, and proportion
seem to be nearly universal. It was a much more complicated issue than I had imagined.
And of course, I hadn't really thought about the effect of the cosmetic products my girlfriend uses. She uses a variety of different skincare products something which I had never thought about before to tell you the truth. I can't deny that her skin is soft, but if it wasn't would it make her face less beautiful? There is some evidence that what you put on your skin, as well as what you put in your body affects your physical beauty. Some people even think that mood plays a big part in whether other people find you attractive.
It seems that I am no nearer to finding the secret to beautiful faces than before. The more I think about it, the more I feel lost in the dark. Nonetheless, it is certainly an interesting subject to think about. Best of all, it makes me feel even more grateful for having such a beautiful girlfriend now that I have put so much thought into what makes her beautiful.
And of course, I hadn't really thought about the effect of the cosmetic products my girlfriend uses. She uses a variety of different skincare products something which I had never thought about before to tell you the truth. I can't deny that her skin is soft, but if it wasn't would it make her face less beautiful? There is some evidence that what you put on your skin, as well as what you put in your body affects your physical beauty. Some people even think that mood plays a big part in whether other people find you attractive.
It seems that I am no nearer to finding the secret to beautiful faces than before. The more I think about it, the more I feel lost in the dark. Nonetheless, it is certainly an interesting subject to think about. Best of all, it makes me feel even more grateful for having such a beautiful girlfriend now that I have put so much thought into what makes her beautiful.
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