
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Army Reserve Units

I have a friend who has been in an army medical reserve unit for about 3 years now. He has been doing his best to get me to consider joining up with the army reserves, but I really wasn't interested at first. You see, I do not really like being told what to do or ordered around. I figured that, with all of the military discipline and whatnot, army reserve units were not for me.

Nonetheless, about 6 months ago, I had a change of heart. My career was going nowhere, and my romantic life was sort of fizzing out. I figured that, by joining an army reserve unit, I could really get my whole act together. I could get some discipline, some training for a new career, and a steady pay check along with 3 hot meals a day. All in all, it did not sound like that bad a deal for me.

I went out to get some information about military enlistment. There was a recruiting center downtown with a very nice officer working there. When I asked him for info about army reserve units, he was more than happy to comply. He told me everything I could ever want to know about the army reserves. Before he had become a full-time military guy himself, he had been enlisted in the reserves, so he knew what it was like to have both a civilian and a military life at the same time. When I told him about my current situation, he said that he thought it was just about the perfect gig for me.

The first few weeks in my army reserve unit was really tough. They worked me like you could not even believe. Although they bill army reserve units as a way to enjoy working for Uncle Sam without having to be committed full-time, that doesn't mean you don't have to work like a soldier. Basic training is really tough for more or less anyone. Unless you are in perfect physical condition, you will have to give it your all to make it through.

In the long run, it was worth it. I learned to do things in army reserve units that I had never even imagined I could handle. It has been pretty rough going through the war, but it is easier for me than having to make my own decisions. It is nice to have a mission and a goal. Things in the civilian world can be so uncertain.

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