
Monday, April 11, 2016

A men's health magazine subscription is a gift of life

A men's health magazine subscription is a gift of life for that special guy!

Let's face it. Women, being the homemakers-in-chief are generally more aware of health concerns. Men tend to leave the health issues to the women. If you're a woman, you know you usually have to prod, coerce and remind men of the dangers of an improper diet, the merits of taking vitamins and required medications, while trying to get them to accept the idea that they, too, must take notice of health issues.

Perhaps the difficulty lies in the traditional roles. Many men regard their role as the breadwinner, leaving the rest up to you. So, what can you do to get them on a health track? One subtle, but effective method is to give your special guy a men's health magazine subscription.

Whether you're concerned about your spouse, brother, friend or relative, you can do a world of good with a gift to a men's health magazine subscription. You don't want to be a nag. Nonetheless, you want this guy to be aware that his good health is in his hands. He's certainly heard of prostate cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and the results of stress, a sedentary lifestyle and the 'A type' personality. While your 'lectures' may fall on deaf ears, a gift subscription to a men's health magazine subscription may serve to enlighten him in a way that all of your lectures and chastisements never might.

Giving a gift of a men's health magazine subscription is a subtle, unobtrusive way to make your guy aware that health matters! Men's health magazines focus on health issues of particular importance to men, with up to date information and research that makes a man pay attention! It's no longer an issue of nagging, the bare facts are made clear. Besides, he can read the articles in privacy, without having to admit you're right. You're out of the loop. He becomes informed.

By giving a guy a men's health magazine subscription, you're providing him with information on every aspect of health. Each issue has at least one feature article on major health issues of concern to men, written by professionals. Doctors, medical writers, nutritionists and sports trainers all contribute their expertise. Men have different nutritional requirements and health issues than women. Men don't usually talk to women about conditions like prostate cancer, or admit that the doctor says his cholesterol readings are off the chart. A men's health magazine subscription may be just what the doctor ordered.

As a woman, I can tell you that telling your sweetie to get off the couch and come for a walk with you does not usually yield a positive result. What? You want me to get up right in the middle of the game? However, if he reads a number of articles in his men's health magazine describing the many health benefits of regular exercise, he'll become educated without your input. He'll start to feel it's all his own idea! No one likes to be badgered and that includes women. You may be pleasantly surprised to find him suddenly starting an exercise regime, taking the dog out for a brisk walk, or asking you to put a vitamin supplement on your store list. Once he decides to get healthy, there'll be no stopping him.

So when you consider a gift for a man, a men's health magazine subscription is a thoughtful, interesting gift for good health and a longer life. To his good health!

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