
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why So Many Children Are Hyperactive, Is ADHD the Only Reason?

As an observer you may notice that there seems to be an awfully lot of children diagnosed with ADHD or hyperactivity disorder. Unless a specialist in the field of these particular disorders have tested a child for the disorder, do not assume all of these children have ADHD.

Does it seem odd or just a coincidence to other people out there that the increase in health issues started with our S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) of today? About fifty years ago when I was growing up just before fast food was introduced we ate food my mom had prepared without pesticides and antibiotics like eggs, chicken, meat, and usually fresh greens from the garden. As studies show, the host of dyes, high fructose corn syrups and processed foods we now consume must in the very least be partly to blame. Other than diet, there are also medical issues that can create these same types of ADHD related symptoms.

Rather than jump on the prescription drug wagon which can create a whole new host of issues look into medical problems along with diet. Here are some medical problems that might be considered.

Why so many children are hyperactive could be a result of Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar as a result of eating an over processed diet or disorders of the thyroid, liver, pancreas and adrenal glands. Certain genetic diseases can affect behaviors, as can head injuries mimic an ADHD problem. Also check into diabetes and infections.

For children especially, not getting enough sleep or exercise can create overly tired or excited behaviors. Look into nutritional deficiencies like B vitamins, especially B-6, which has been shown as a more successful treatment than Ritalin. Iron and Magnesium deficiency symptoms include low attention span, irritability and confusion.

Most health professional's claim that the reason why so many children are hyperactive is a result of a chemical imbalance, but this theory is not 100% perfect. Yet this is the main reason children are prescribed very addicting drugs like Ritalin and Adderall and causing many problems down the road when the child reaches adulthood.

A very interesting fact that gives credibility to the professional's claim of chemical imbalance is the fact that when neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and GABA are in low supply the same symptoms of ADHD appear. So, instead of giving drugs which further interfere with the brain's chemical balance why not use or at least give supplements a try.

Children who received supplementation showed considerable improvement when using certain supplements (GABA, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, 5-HTP and Omega-3 fish oils) among others. There is not just one answer and no magic way to find the answer. But with a little trial and elimination whether through diet, supplements or medical testing you will find what works.

Hopefully you now have some questions answered as to why so many children are hyperactive. If you are concerned about prescription drugs for the treatment of ADHD there are many Naturopaths who can help along with alternative medicines available. Article Source

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