
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How To Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise, Part Five - Beginning The Road To Perfect Health

Although "health" normally describes the wellness of your physical body, having good health should encompass your whole state of being. Therefore the road to perfect health should be the one that aims to bring the mind, body and spirit into balance and in total harmony with each other.

What do we mean by this statement? There are universal laws, which say that for every state of being there is an opposite, and it is also equal and opposite. For every up there is a down, for every front there is a back, for every top there is a bottom. For your health and mental state there is strong / weak, positive / negative, ecstatic / miserable, stressed / relaxed, sensitive / indifferent, etc.

In between these extremes is a scale of movement from one to the other, and in the middle it is neither one nor the other. Imagine there is an imaginary scale denoting where you are between any of these two extremes. At the middle point you have the advantage of being aware of both, for there is no real benefit in being either. For instance you are only strong in relation to when you are weak, fast to your slow. All these states do not really exist as they are only comparisons. Strong, compared to who? They are but different extremes of your potential to be. The only real ideal place for you to be is at the center. This is where happiness is, because this is where we have the ability to be flexible, weather the storm, go with the flow, cope with crud; so as long as the stimulus is only temporary your life will return to normality because everything also has a rhythm and the swings towards one extreme will eventually return towards the other.

This also allows for movement either way, for life has its great moments as well as upsetting times. If you are normally in a balanced state then when you experience any of these setbacks your body has reserves to call on, and you will be able to recover to normality more quickly. This is so true for mind, body and spirit, and if you succeed in bringing balance and harmony to these areas of your life you will experience both a feeling of contentment and bliss that will enrich your life with health, wealth and wisdom.

Realize that every state is basically only the way you perceive it, you can turn any situation from a minus to a plus purely by changing the way you look at it. If something appears to be a little bit bad, turn it round and make it a little bit good.

The harmony between mind, body and spirit is a lifelong task and one that should be taken seriously. It is no good having a healthy body if you have neglected your mental attitude or denied the existence of your higher self. When we appreciate the importance of harmony in the body we enter a stage of progression and advancement that is man's universal quest. This quest for growth in all aspects of our lives is what living is all about. If you are not progressing then you are regressing or dying in some way.

Focus on making small improvements to your life every day and accept no thoughts of any excuses for not wanting to improve yourself in some way every day.

For a healthy body exercise your muscles to keep you mobile, remove toxins and improve your posture. Have good eating habits to supply the nutrients your body requires to work efficiently, for food is not just calories but contains the chemicals required to ensure physical balance in your body and brain.

For a healthy mind, fill it with positive thoughts of how you want your life be. Write down your dreams and think passionately about how you will feel when they become a reality. Ignore any previous beliefs that will cause conflict with your new thoughts and affirmations of a happy and prosperous life.

Harmony in your body means recognizing the importance of giving equal attention to all aspects of your being. Give some time every day to the advancement of that part of you which is not in harmony. Consider the fact that you may have even totally ignored a part of mind body or spirit as being unimportant or unnecessary.

The sooner you begin to take responsibility for your growth and advancement the sooner you will find life will take on a new meaning, and a new sense of purpose. Most of us think that learning and thinking is only for when we are young and when we start work we can put all that behind us. Try to rekindle your enthusiasm to learn, but this time focus on thinking about yourself and how you can improve mind, body and spirit. By doing so, you will be an example to everyone around you. You will begin to exude an air of confidence and a passion for life that will bring you happiness that you may never have thought possible. In this way you will attract people who are thinking with a similar attitude, and by associating more with these new friends you will obtain more encouragement and less negativity.

Try to understand how each part of your mind, body and spirit works, and how they interact with each other to form your personality. Your mind, or to be more specific your conscious mind is where all your senses are experienced. This part of you has the ability to think and reason. This is where your free will lies, and you use it to accept or reject any idea. All your pleasure, pain or limitations start in your conscious mind.

When you approve a thought it is impressed on your spirit or sub-conscious mind, which is the power center of your being. It operates in every cell of your body and it receives accepted thoughts from your conscious mind as truth. It is important to understand this concept. It has no ability to decide whether a thought is true or false. The thought is accepted unconditionally. Any thought which your conscious mind continually imposes on your sub-conscious mind will become part of your personality.

Your physical body is the vehicle your mind and soul uses to achieve an end result. It uses the thoughts made or accepted by your conscious mind, which have been impressed upon your sub-conscious mind, and turns them into a behavior or action. This action taken by the body brings about the final result for those initial thoughts.

Once we understand how all areas of your being work together it becomes logical how our thoughts influence our personality and who we are. To be totally happy we must work on harmonizing mind body and spirit so that we can achieve the dreams we want.

Your first step is to make a conscious change of mindset. Don't wait for someone to take you by the hand and show you way, as that day might never come. Take responsibility now. Believe you can do it and that you have a passion to learn. Find a mentor who can help you, someone who is already where you want to go. They can be someone you know, or read an autobiography or listen to a CD. Learn what they know or have done in their life. Autobiographies can give you an insight into the mindset and way of thinking of successful people. These people are not different to you or me, they have just learnt how to grow and direct their thoughts to a reach their goal.

Become more open minded about what you learn. Be accepting that what successful people will tell you is fact, and that if you follow their way of thinking, using the skills you possess, you will be successful too. Don't let ignorance hold you back. An old belief may be restricting you from achieving your true potential. You have the ability to change. Believe you can be better in every way and start today. Give it attention every day and little by little you will become changed permanently.

You are blessed with the most amazing ability to do and become anything you think about. Believe you are no different to your heroes. Never doubt that you can do it. If you have any old beliefs of not being able to able to do anything, remember that by consistent conscious daily thought impressed upon your subconscious you will gradually replace your old beliefs with new ones which will direct you on your path to success. Success and prosperity in all areas of your life is not luck. Focus on what you want and you will begin realize its possibility. Never let anyone persuade you otherwise for they may not have the will to succeed like you have. I want you to push aside the barriers of doubt and have confidence in yourself to become healthy, wealthy and wise.

Follow this advice, focus on your goal and never be distracted by anything or anyone. Make it your daily way of life and dreams will become a reality.

Nigel Le Monnier has 11 years experience in the Paint Industry specialising in vehicle body refinishing and Industrial paint application. For the last 23 years he has been the Director of a Health Food business, with the aim of bringing awareness of the joys of natural living and healthy eating to everyone. Article Source

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