
Monday, December 7, 2015

Love Yourself, Love Your Body

"If we really love ourselves, everything in our life works." - Louise Hay

Many people believe that if they get really mad at themselves and berate themselves for being overweight, they will be motivated to do something about it. If you've tried this approach, you know it doesn't work. It just makes you feel worse. What works is to love yourself and love your body and to recognize that you don't need to change a thing. You are perfect right now just as you are - no matter what the scales or the mirror or the size of your clothes indicates. To attain and maintain your optimum weight, love and accept yourself just the way you are.

There is nothing wrong with you. The only problem you have is that you think there's something wrong with you. Judging yourself as weak, inferior or somehow lacking lowers your vibration and blocks the object of your desire. Hating your body is a low vibration, broadcasting a signal that repels, rejects, and prevents the appearance of your ideal body. When you improve the way you talk to yourself, your body will positively reflect that improvement.

Florence had been overweight all her life and dieting since she was a teenager. Now in her 50's, she was experiencing health problems and her doctor told her to lose at least 60 pounds or her health will get worse. Florence had never been able to stick to a diet and was really scared about losing her health. Then she learned that the key is to shift the way she thinks and the way she talks to herself. She began doing affirmations to love and appreciate herself. She started treating herself like a valuable person. She began talking to herself with respect and absolutely REFUSED to let anyone talk down to her anymore. With that vibrational shift in her thoughts and feelings, Florence was able to lose the weight, regain her health, and truly enjoy her life for the first time ever.

Take it from Florence and replace self-criticism with gentleness and kindness. You have a choice to love and respect yourself or to be harsh and judgmental. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend. Become aware of your inner dialogue and choose thoughts that make you FEEL GOOD.

Replace negative self-talk:

- If I don't look good, no one will love me.

- There's something wrong with me.

- I can't really have what I want.

- I'm not good enough unless I look the way society tells me to.

With empowering self-talk:

- I am fantastic.

- My body is perfect just the way it is.

- My appearance is pleasing to my eyes.

- My clothes are flattering.

- My personality is exciting and engaging.

- My actions are kind and loving.

- I love my life.

- I love my body.

- I love myself just as I am.

As you love yourself and love your body, you connect with your natural state of Well-Being. As you love your body as it is now, you release resistance and allow your body to come into alignment with your desires. Your thoughts created the body you now have. Your thoughts can create the body you would like to have. Article Source

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