
Monday, April 4, 2016

Want to join the millions of bloggers with your own

Want to join the millions of bloggers with your own two cents? Here are some blog ideas to get you rolling

Blogging has become a worldwide phenomenon. You'll find blogs on almost every topic under the sun. Blogging can be a very satisfying activity where else can you enjoy the freedom of saying, within reason and the parameters of good taste, exactly what you want? In many ways, it's like having a public diary. Successful blogs can have hundreds of thousands of loyal readers. Look at the Huffington Post, for example. So, if you've got the urge to start your own blog, but don't know how to get started, or even what to write about, here are some blog ideas and some of the more mundane details, such as how to advertise, sell and make money!

First, you'll want to investigate the most popular blogs and see what they're doing right. How do you find the most popular bloggers? Easy. Google 'most popular blogs'! Your search will return all kinds of lists. Don't just look at the 'top ten'. After all, there are some obscure topic blogs which attract a sizable readership in that niche. Look through the blog directories as well. If you've got a burning passion for growing bonsais, you can bet that there are hundreds of thousands of other people around the world who share your passion.

Spend some time doing your homework. Visit a good cross section of successful blogs, peruse a good sampling of their entries, check out their organization, features, placement and type of ads and the liveliness of the interaction among readers. Compare styles of writing. Bookmark the sites which you find most appealing. In just a few days spent looking around cyberspace, you'll be amazed at the number of original blog ideas pop up. You'll soon have blog ideas swimming in your mind, jump starting your own creative juices.

If you have a few topics in mind for your own blog ideas, check out blogs in those fields of interest, with an eye to the level of expertise demonstrated by those bloggers.

For example, if you survey a hundred blogs, you'll probably find several color combinations and layouts that are stunning. While you may not care for the style of the writer, the topics or other elements, glean the best points of each. By the time your investigation phase is complete, integrate the best points of each into your own, original blog ideas. Pretty soon you'll have a good idea of what you want best suits the look and feel you want for your own blog.

There are plenty of blog advice sites which you should also research. Many successful bloggers offer some great marketing advice. They've already paid their dues and know what works and what doesn't. You'll find sage advice and opinion pieces on the merits of available blogging software. Currently, Wordpress and Movable Type are the top contenders. Find articles which discuss the pros and cons of each and decide for yourself. It's also possible to design your own blog templates online. Most blog advice websites offer free e-newsletters. Subscribe to a few and educate yourself. You'll also find access to free downloadable e-books, with a wealth of blog ideas you can put to good use.

If you're not quite tech savvy, setup of your blog can be tricky. Here again, you'll find help online in the form of blog setup tutorials. Be sure you also look at setup instructions on your blog hosting site for specific guidance on their requirements.

With all of the blog ideas you've gathered, along with the technical education, you'll be all set. Go get 'em!

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