
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ten inexpensive alternatives to pricey wrinkle reducing creams

On every woman's short list of concerns about her body is wrinkles! Even young women in their early twenties are thrown into a tizzy when they spot that first telltale sign of what's to come. The so-called 'laugh lines' at the corners of your eyes. Your Mom might come up real close to inspect this disaster, saying What wrinkle are you talking about? That's not a wrinkle! This pointing to one of her own is a wrinkle! Maybe it's just set in a woman's genes. The wrinkle alert. That's when you start obsessing, just like you might over a stray gray hair. It becomes time to go shopping for wrinkle reducing cream!

The only trouble with this plan is that, while there are a plentiful supply of wrinkle reducing cream products, they are very expensive. They can cost anywhere from $20 to hundreds of dollars, for a little, tiny jar. Few of us can afford to lay out that kind of money and hope for the best. It's not like you can return it if you don't like it! For the price of some of the high-end wrinkle reducing creams, you could go on a weekend getaway with your sweetie! On the other hand, wrinkles are anathema to every woman I've ever known.

With this dilemma in mind, we've put together a list of ten inexpensive and effective alternatives, a couple of which are probably already in your frig! These may not be as delicate as dipping your pinky in an elegant little jar of commercial wrinkle reducing cream, but they'll keep your wallet fatter and your face wrinkle free far into the future.

When you wash your face, use a glycerine soap. This won't dry your skin or leave a residue. Glycerine soap is great for people with sensitive skin.

Our next, rather unorthodox, wrinkle reducing cream 'product', is mayonnaise. Yes. A tablespoon is all you need for a treatment. Just rub it all over your face and neck and let it sit there while you relax in the tub. When you get out of the tub, rinse it off for the silkiest skin you've ever felt. Be sure to lock the door, so your husband doesn't barge in and start laughing. Wrinkles are serious business! You can use this treatment once or twice a week. Don't get it in your eyes!

Numbers 3, 4 and 5 of the top home wrinkle reducing cream agents all act as astringents, tightening the pores and firming your skin. Separate an egg, beating the white lightly, reserving the yolk for another use. Spread the egg white over your face and neck. It dries quickly and you'll feel the firming action almost immediately. When it's dry, rinse it off. You'll see the wrinkles diminish. Next, apply a cotton ball soaked with witch hazel (available at any drugstore for about $1) over your face and neck, which while being astringent, also softens the skin. Before bedtime, follow up with some rose water as a mild astringent and further softening. Do the egg yolk routine just once a week and the witch hazel and rose water every day.

The next three wrinkle reducing cream products in your wrinkle fighting arsenal are cocoa butter, avocado oil and jojoba oil, all of which can be purchased in bulk at health food stores. Each of these are powerful natural anti-wrinkle oils which you can use as a night cream, diminishing wrinkles as you sleep.

Vitamin E can be purchased in gel caps or small bottles. It's well documented that direct application of vitamin E to the skin helps heal and renew skin cells. Vitamin E is so effective, it will even remove scars over time, with regular use.

Our last inexpensive wrinkle reducing cream product is a good sunscreen. Use one with an SPF factor of at least 30, whenever you go outdoors. UVA and UVB rays are a major contributor to wrinkles.

Try these inexpensive, natural alternatives to commercial wrinkle reducing creams for just three months and behold the difference!

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