
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Bacon Wrapped Scallops

I used to love going to the Chinese food buffet. I know it's unhealthy for me, but it was a nice treat once every couple weeks. Everyone seemed to have one particular dish that they craved. For my mother, it was the chow mein. For my father, it was the sweet and sour pork. In my case, it was the appetizers. My favorite dish of all was bacon wrapped scallops.

Of course the scallops wrapped in bacon that they served there were not of the best. Usually they had been sitting out for hours and were extremely soaked with grease. They were dry, soggy, and loaded with fat. Nonetheless, they were still absolutely delicious. That was when I decided that bacon wrapped scallops must be the best dish in the world. If badly prepared ones that had been sitting out for awhile were as good as those were, then a real bacon wrapped scallops recipe must be absolutely out of this world.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find anywhere that served good bacon wrapped scallops in my town. We live out in the boonies. To tell you the truth, it is a miracle that we even have a Chinese buffet here. That is probably the most exotic food you can get. There is one substandard Italian place in town and besides that, it is all diners as far as the eye can see. A delicacy such as bacon wrapped scallops is just unheard of.

Fortunately, we do have the Internet. And the Internet has plenty of good bacon wrapped scallops recipes. One of the interesting things about this particular seafood recipe is how many different things you can do with it. It is always basically the same, but the kind of bacon you use, the way you prepare the scallops, and the seasonings if any they you add make a big difference.

For example, some people prefer to saut the scallops in wine before wrapping them in bacon. The bacon is cooked separately briefly, and some of the fat is drained. Then, when you wrap the scallop in bacon and finish cooking it, it gives a more delicate flavor. Other people prefer to simply fry the two together from the beginning. This gives a greasy, full flavored dish. It is definitely worth experimenting with. I've never come up with a way to cook it that wasn't absolutely delicious. There are not too many things I can say that about!

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